“Let us treat them (children), therefore, with all the
which we would wish to help to develop in them.”
-Maria Montessori
Daily Schedule
Monday to Friday
7:30 am to 5:00 pm
Morning Snacks, Lunch, and Afternoon Snacks Included
Covid-19 Response
Upon drop off, the child’s temperature is checked before entering the classroom.
Their backpacks will be left in the receiving area. Only students and essential staff are allowed inside our school.
Staff and children regularly wash their hands following CDC guidelines.
Mixed-age Group
Montessori Early Childhood programs support children ages 2 to 6 yrs. in becoming independent, responsible students who love to learn.
The Montessori Method
The Montessori Method is a specific child-centered method of education that includes child-led activities (referred to as “work”), classrooms with mixed-age children, and teachers who support independence among their students.
“Montessori education is student-led and self-paced but guided, assessed, and enriched by knowledgeable and caring teachers, the leadership of their peers, and a nurturing environment.
Within the community of a multi-age classroom—designed to create natural opportunities for independence, citizenship, and accountability—children embrace multi-sensory learning and passionate inquiry. Individual students follow their own curiosity at their own pace, taking the time they need to fully understand each concept and meet individualized learning goals.
Given the freedom and support to question, probe deeply, and make connections, Montessori students grow up to be confident, enthusiastic, and self-directed learners and citizens, accountable to both themselves and their community. They think critically, work collaboratively, and act boldly and with integrity. What better outcome could you wish for your children?
While our programs encourage your little ones to become better independent learners, we’ve also included special opportunities for you to work together.”